Hopefully, a full launch will follow shortly after. Presumably it will be a simplified version of Mario Kart 8 that plays in portrait and has one-touch controls.

We’ll find out soon enough, when the closed beta test begins. It’s only for Android users, and it runs between May 22 and June 4.

If you’d like to sign up to check it out, head on over to the official site right now. Nintendo has announced that a closed beta test will soon take place for Mario Kart Tour. With a simple scan of a QR code, you’re registered.

Mario Kart Tour’s closed beta will run between May 22 and June 4
Mario Kart Tour is arguably the most anticipated mobile game of the year, and we don’t really know all that much about it.

It’s Nintendo’s latest mobile game, following the gacha RPG Dragalia Lost.

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